Always save between 5% and 15% compared to the prices quoted on and Expedia

Only by booking on this Official Website will you have the guarantee of getting the best rooms while ALWAYS SAVING compared to the prices that are quoted on and Expedia.

ALWAYS save 5% by booking directly

A DISCOUNT of 5% on the prices quoted on and Expedia with the possibility of cancelling or changing your booking free of charge up to 48 hours before the date of your arrival. A chance that is not to be missed, so make the most of it now!

Save 10% with a NON-refundable rate

Book at least 4 days before the date of your arrival and get a DISCOUNT of 10% by foregoing the possibility of cancelling or changing your booking.

Save 15% with an Early Booking

The best offers and the lowest prices possible with a DISCOUNT of 15% only for guests who decide to book at least 30 days before their arrival on our Official Website. The rate is non-refundable.